Meant For Each Other

Emmelyn suddenly felt scared. Having a bad dream before your wedding was surely a bad premonition, right?

Gosh.. why on earth was she dreaming of such a scary scene?

She couldn't remember exactly what happened, but she saw blood, a lot of it.

Was it war that she saw?

She remembered the blood and shrill scream, and the sound of people fighting. A lot of them.

She felt like she was in the middle of a great war.

Oh my god... What was going on? What war was it?

Why did she dream of it all of a sudden?

Emmelyn immediately remembered the witch's prophecy and King Jared's dream. Mrs. Adler said she saw a great war in the future and Emmelyn was the cause of it.

Emmelyn became frustrated by the prophecy for weeks before finally deciding to brush it off and forget about it. When she came to visit the old witch again, she avoided talking about it.