The Wedding (1)

Emmelyn saw Lily's expression and wondered what Lady Greenan was thinking. 

"Is anything the matter?" Emmelyn asked her. 

Lily batted her eyes and looked at Emmelyn with a grin. She liked Emmelyn for being blunt. It was a breath of fresh air to her. Most other ladies that she knew were too shy to speak their minds.

"Uhm... actually, when the crown prince came here a few months ago, he said almost exactly the same thing," Lily explained. "He was jealous of my husband for having so many adorable kids and he wanted to have his own children too."

Emmelyn pressed her lips and let out a gasp when she heard Lily's reply.

Aww... Mars was so adorable, she thought.

They were truly alike in so many things. 

They both planned to scheme the other party during their initial agreement, and now they also both wanted the same thing, unknowingly.

They were truly pot and kettle.

This was too sweet.