Everyone Is Feeling Distraught

"Please let me go!!" Emmelyn no longer tried to break free from Mars embrace, but she tried a different tactic by pleading with him. "I have to see my brother..."

Mars didn't reply. He only walked briskly toward their chamber with Emmelyn in his arms. Once they were inside, he put her down in bed.

Then, he crouched down at the foot of the bed and hugged her legs. "Emmelyn, please calm down. I will not let anything happen to Killian if he is really your brother. I want you to trust me."

"Look at me." He took a deep breath and continued his words, emphasizing every word of his last sentence, to get Emmelyn's attention. "I. Will. Not. Kill. Your. Brother."

Emmelyn's face was wet with tears and she sobbed uncontrollably when she heard his promise. He said he would not let anything happen to Killian IF he was really Emmelyn's brother?

That means, Mars still didn't believe her that Killian was really her brother.