What's On Ellena's Mind

"Go away..." Ellena still tried to get Mars to leave her. Her expression looked so pitiful that the prince felt sorry for her.

How did they end up like this? He thought, feeling immense sadness in his heart.

He, Edgar, Gewen, and Ellena spent their childhood together and they were the best of friends. Things were so good between them.

It was only after he asked Ellena to be his nominal wife did Ellena start harboring hope to be married to him for real.

Maybe he shouldn't have done that. This would never have had happened.

Looking back, it was better if Mars didn't think too much about this kingdom and be more selfish. His dedication to Draec was the root cause of this issue that he now had with Ellena.

Sigh.... if only he could turn back time, he would never ruin his friendship with Ellena by mixing a relationship with it.