Where Is Killian?

Mars and Gewen waited outside while Ellena was being treated by Mr. Vitas. None of them said anything. They both had raging thoughts in their minds about what just happened.

Gewen knew that Ellena was in love with Mars and he felt bad knowing that Mars had married another woman.

Things wouldn't have gone this far if only Mars had never met Emmelyn, he thought. 

However, he couldn't say anything about his friend's relationship. It was not his place to interfere.

Plus, what did he know about love and marriage? He didn't believe in either and would never trouble himself with such a thing, but his views were not a popular one. 

When Mars suddenly told him that he and Emmelyn asked him and Edgar to come to Southberry to witness their wedding, Gewen immediately thought about Ellena.

He knew Ellena would be hurt and angered, but he didn't expect Ellena would do something like what she did today.