I Was So Worried Last Night

When Emmelyn woke up in the morning, she could feel her husband's body hugging her tightly, and his warm breath on her hair. She opened her eyes and tilted her head to see Mars' face.

She was wondering when did he arrive home. Must be after midnight, because Emmelyn was waiting for him long after she finished dinner.

She paced back and forth for a long time and asked Roshan dozens of times if her husband had returned or not, until finally she was too tired and fell asleep.

What kept him so long? And why didn't he send anyone to tell her that he was going to be late?

Did something bad happen in the royal palace? Or maybe something happened to Ellena?

By the way, how was that wench doing?

Thinking about Ellena, Emmelyn couldn't help but grit her teeth. She hated that woman with all her heart. She thought Ellena was responsible for her brother's death because Ellena brought Killian to the capital, where he ended up dying.