I Will Take One Week Break

Seeing Emmelyn pout, Mars added, "Please take care of yourself and don't go out looking for me next time. Remember, now you don't live only for yourself. Our baby's safety is paramount. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to me."

Somehow, it was difficult for Emmelyn to believe his words. She knew he was formidable and he was also surrounded by a strong protection squad, but something in her heart told her that something bad did happen and he just didn't want to tell her.

Maybe it was a wife's intuition? She did not know.

What did actually happen? Why didn't he want to share it with her?

"Next time, you have to send someone and give me news, otherwise I will look for you." Finally, Emmelyn relented. She wouldn't force him to tell her things if he didn't want to. She would try to find out herself.