We Need To Prepare The Funeral

"Your mother is really kind," she whispered. "I really like her. She is like the mother figure that I have longed for my whole life."

"She will be happy to know that you think that way about her," said Mars. He was happy that they finally arrived on this day, where they could be open with each other and discuss the past with smiles on their faces.

"You think so?" Emmelyn asked him. "I should tell her how much I appreciate her. She is so kind to me."

"You can talk a lot about it when you come to live with her in the palace. What do you think? Would you like that?" Mars rubbed her hands and looked at her deeply. Emmelyn could see how much he wanted her to say yes.

So, finally, she nodded. "Okay. If you think that would be for the best..."

The sadness and worry that she was feeling after knowing Mars would leave for months to Wintermere, now slowly dissipated.