You Know Me So Well

Mars returned her kiss and pulled her into his embrace. When her big tummy touched him, he felt overjoyed. Gosh.. he loved this woman so much! Soon, they would welcome their baby to the world.

He would make it a reward for himself after defeating and killing the witch and end their lifelong enmity. He would go home to her, in time for their baby's birth. Then, they would live together in peace.

Finally.. he would get his happy ending.

"Do you want to rest?" Mars asked her. "Or maybe go out and get fresh air? We can see the woods that you mentioned and choose the best place for Killian. The flowers are blooming and it's so  beautiful out there."

"Ahh.. sounds good. Then, let's go out for a walk," said Emmelyn.

She agreed with him that the world around them looked very pretty with most of the flowers were blooming and the trees were green again. Spring had truly come in Draec and they could see everything came back to life.