The Queen's Gift

Emmelyn sat gracefully on the sofa with her eyes glued to the letter in her hand. She read every word religiously. It was a short letter, so she read it over and over. Mars told her that they had reached Branwell.

Everything went well. They made a point to stop one day in each province that they were passing by, to give the impression that the crown prince was only visiting and doing an inspection on their colonies.

They didn't want anyone to know that the main destination was Wintermere. News traveled fast. If they looked obvious in their journey toward Emmelyn's homeland, they were worried the witch would get wind of their mission.

This made Emmelyn relieved but sad at the same time. She was relieved, knowing that her husband wouldn't take the arduous trip by forcing himself, his horse, and his men to go as fast as possible to Wintermere.