The Surprise Guests

"Thank you, Queen Mother.. these are all very beautiful," said Emmelyn to Queen Elara. She was so touched by the queen's kindness and love. She hugged her mother-in-law with teary eyes.

"Ah, I'm so glad you like them. They look good on you," Queen Elara hugged Emmelyn back. 

After the two ladies broke away from each other, Emmelyn couldn't say anything for a few minutes. She was very moved and had to calm herself down. Queen Elara noticed her expression and only smiled.

She really liked Emmelyn and was happy because her son chose a wonderful woman as a wife. Queen Elara couldn't wait to see Mars returned and he could build a happy family with Emmelyn.

Ahh.. after Harlow was born, she hoped the couple would have one, or two more children. That would be wonderful. Queen Elara couldn't wait to be a grandmother. She would spoil the kids rotten.