You Can Push Now

"You don't have to worry about it, Princess," Mrs. Adler reassured Emmelyn. "I will make sure that it won't happen."

"But how?" Emmelyn was wondering.

Finally, Mrs. Adler talked to her in a low voice and told Emmelyn her plan. The princess looked impressed when she heard what Mrs. Adler had in mind. It was indeed a very simple method but it would work really well.

However, she didn't know where she would be buried as a murder suspect. The royal family had an underground tomb for their deceased family members and that was where the previous kings and queens, together with their descendants were buried.

This was also the place where people had been begging the king to bury his late wife, but King Jared refused. 

He insisted on keeping her body fresh in the ice cave. The man was out of his mind and didn't want to listen to everyone. The people in the capital only hoped the crown prince would return immediately so he could talk to his father.