Baby Harlow

Everything was a blur. Emmelyn felt like she was hearing voices, but they were all distant. Someone said 'take a deep breath' and the other one said 'push'.

And so... Emmelyn took a very, very deep breath and filled her lungs with air, then she exhaled while pushing with all her might.

The process was repeated several times until suddenly everything turned quiet.

No, it did not actually become quiet, but somehow all the sounds around her no longer mattered, when another distinct voice rang and pierced the air.

A baby's cry.

Right at that instant, Emmelyn felt indescribable relief. All the pain was gone and she felt only calmness.

This felt like heaven after she was tortured in hell for over 20 hours.

"It's a girl!"

Emmelyn was finally sent back to earth when she heard Lily's exclaim. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Lily. She wanted to make sure she didn't mishear.