Emmelyn's Dream (1)

Emmelyn woke up with beads of sweat falling down on her face. The old witch, who sat not far from her bed, quickly came to her and offered water.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" she asked Emmelyn with concern. The younger woman shook her head and cupped her face with both hands. 

She cried despondently. She was missing Harlow so much. Her breasts no longer produced milk because she had not breastfed for more than three weeks.

Her wounds were already healed after she took a long time resting, and now she was feeling better, physically. However, mentally, she felt like a wreck.

All day, every day, all she wanted to do was cry. She also had nightmares every time she slept. In the beginning, the dreams were not clear and she would forget about them when she woke up.

But lately, they became more and more vivid.