Emmelyn's Dream (2)

Emmelyn wanted to call the girl to look in her direction, but she couldn't let out any sound. As if her throat was choked and she couldn't speak.

She looked around her and realized she was in a strange place. Was she... in Myreen?

Was this the mysterious kingdom where the Leoraleis resided?

So... who was that beautiful woman she just saw? Was she a Leoralei?

Emmelyn didn't know what to think. She regretted her delay in understanding what happened.

If she had realized sooner that the woman was a Leoralei, she would have forcefully grabbed her and asked the woman to free her from the curse, or at least asked her to let Emmelyn know who could.

Emmelyn would also demand an answer as to why she was unjustly punished for a crime she didn't do.

Unfortunately, the woman was gone and Emmelyn couldn't do anything to make her appear again.