Maxim Is Feeling Guilty

Maxim looked at Emmelyn with a big smirk on his face. He shook his head to show his disbelief. "You're joking, right?"

Emmelyn rolled her eyes when she heard his question, doubting her.

She grumbled something while trying to free her leg from the rope. Maxim felt pity to see her struggle with the trap and quickly crouched down and helped her.

He took out a small knife from his belt to cut the rope and free her leg.

"There..." he said with a smile. "Sorry for the trap. I was bored and wanted to catch a rabbit or two."

"Rabbit?" Emmelyn unknowingly licked her lips. She had not eaten her favorite meat for months now. Just thinking about the juicy fat dripping from grilled rabbit made her feel so hungry.

Maxim noticed that. So he got up and patted her on the shoulder. "Wait here. Let me check my other traps."