Emmelyn's Story

"Fine." Emmelyn pursed her lips and after taking a long deep breath, she started recounting her story. "I am sorry for not being completely honest with you in the past. My name is Emmelyn Rosehill. I am actually the youngest daughter of King Lestat Rosehill of Wintermere. It's a small kingdom in Terra."

Maxim listened to Emmeyn's words attentively. He actually already knew this part, but he wanted to hear it from her mouth directly.

Emmelyn continued her words. "Two years ago, I heard the news from the merchants in the market that my kingdom, Wintermere, was attacked by a big kingdom in Terra, called Draec Empire. I panicked and felt so distraught, so I left to go home as soon as possible. I didn't see you at the inn we were staying at, so I couldn't say goodbye."

"You could have left a note," Maxim muttered. "I was looking for you everywhere. I thought you were kidnapped or something."

"Sorry... I was not thinking straight, okay?"