Any News About Emmelyn?

Gewen took a deep breath. That was exactly the reason why he brought the letter to his friend. He received the letter when he reached Loche after he obtained really bad news.

When he read the letter from Edgar, Gewen became very confused and he thought maybe the bad news had something to do with the bounty.

That's why he immediately raced his horse to return to the capital all the way from Loche. He didn't like traveling in a rush like what he and Mars did after they killed Thesallis in Shadowend. However, this time he made an exception.

No matter what it took, Gewen must reach the capital as soon as possible. He wanted to deliver the bad news and Edgar's letter by himself because they were way too important to pass on through a courier.

Besides, as a good friend, Gewen took it upon himself to make sure Mars would get the support he needed during tough times.