The Ring

Gewen's heart dropped to the floor when he heard Mars's question. This was the question that he dreaded to answer. This was the bad news that he obtained in Loche... and now he had to convey to the king.

"Gewen, why are you silent?" Mars narrowed his eyes dangerously and looked at Gewen intently. "Answer me! Did a cat get your tongue?!"

Mars was almost at the brink of lashing out. Gewen swallowed hard and took a deep breath. The man gathered his courage and finally shared the bad news.

"I am so, sorry..." His voice was hoarse and his eyes were filled with deep sympathy. Gewen touched Mars's shoulder and spoke haltingly, "Your Majesty, Emmelyn is dead."

Mars thought he had misheard. Maybe he was too upset and angry that he didn't pay attention to Gewen's words. So, he asked Gewen to repeat. "Come again?"