The Castle On The Top Of Mount Tempest

Emmelyn cleared her throat and nodded. "Okay. Let's ride the dragon. I want to see this through to the end immediately."

"Renwyck, let me go up with Emmelyn and we will wait for you in front of the castle. Then I will send Aslain to come back and pick you up with Lysander," Maxim told his wizard.

"All right, Your Majesty," said Renwyck. He turned to his dragon who was leisurely licking his claws and spoke to him in a foreign language. Aslain's ears perked up and he turned to Maxim. The king smiled at him and walked closer to pat the majestic animal's back

"Good boy," he said.

Aslain lowered his back all the way down and Maxim motioned Emmelyn to climb the dragon's back. Emmelyn did it hesitatingly.

She was not as brave as she was in the past because now she just wanted to stay alive for Harlow and was afraid of taking unnecessary risks.