Music In The Ice Castle

Emmelyn spoke again, hoping to get Margueriette's attention. Maxim walked to her side and he cast his glance around them. He had a really high tolerance for cold, but he had to wrap his coat tightly this time. 

As far as they could see, there was only ice around them. It looked surreal. How could someone live here? He was wondering.

"Hello... we come here to visit," Emmelyn spoke politely. "Is anyone home?"

"Who are you?" 

Suddenly, from one of the castle towers, they could hear someone's voice talking back. Emmelyn and Maxim looked up to see the origin of the voice.

They saw a stunningly beautiful woman poking her head from the window at the top of the tower. She looked pale as a ghost but still beautiful nonetheless. Was this Margueritte?

Emmelyn was very surprised to see how young Margueritte looked. Wasn't she supposed to be older than Mrs. Adler? How come she looked like she was only a few years older than Emmelyn?