Emmelyn Must Choose

Margueritte finally finished reading Mrs. Adler's letter and her face looked happy. When she looked up to see Emmelyn, a beautiful smile curved up on her face. Emmelyn was mesmerized by the witch's beauty.

Margueritte had long black hair, big round blue eyes, and red lips like cherry. Her skin was so pale that if she stood in the snow, wearing white, she could blend in easily. However, instead of scary, she looked frail and gentle.

It's so hard to see her as an evil witch who had cursed the trespassers into ice statues. Emmelyn waited for the woman to speak. She wanted to know what Margueritte thought about her and Mrs. Adler.

"So, is Alexia okay?" Margueritte asked Emmelyn with her melodious voice. She rose from her seat and walked toward Emmelyn. "It's been so long."