Margueritte Enjoys Toying With Emmelyn's Feelings

Maxim finally nodded. He would do anything for Emmelyn and his intention was clear from the moment he revealed his true identity to her.

He was in love with her and wanted to protect her. So, of course, he would do anything to help break the curse that had made her suffer so much. Even if he had to make a big sacrifice, he would.

The man actually felt bad that he had to make his intention known at this unfortunate moment. He wanted his confession of love to be a private moment between just him and Emmelyn.

However, now that the cat was out of the bag, with Margueritte asking if he was in love with Emmelyn, and his response - even though he didn't say yes - had confirmed it, Maxim had no choice but to admit that he was in fact in love with Emmelyn.

"I am grateful that you are willing to grant me one wish," Emmelyn said. "Please give Kira back to us, and we will not bother you again. That's all I want from you."