The Ice Prince (1)

"You don't believe that the woman could be brought back to life?" Margueritte looked at Emmelyn intently. Her mocking smile became wider. She clearly enjoyed Emmelyn's shock. 

Emmelyn shook her head. She was shocked by Margueritte's revelation but at the same time, she was also overjoyed. How great would it be if Queen Elara could really be revived?

Emmelyn didn't think someone like Margueritte would bother to lie to her. The witch had nothing to gain from it.  If anything, she just found satisfaction in seeing people regret their decision, like what she was showing now.

Sigh. Why was this witch so eccentric? Emmelyn thought sadly. If only Margueritte was like Mrs. Adler, it would be so nice to have her as an ally.

However, Margueritte didn't seem to care about doing good things for others. The only reason why she freed Kira just now was because Emmelyn asked for it and Margueritte made a promise in the past to help Mrs. Adler.