A Friend First, A Woman Second.

Emmelyn looked at the man intently and she found sincerity in his eyes. Ahh... she knew Maxim was a good liar, but he was not lying this time.

"Are you really going to give me Wintermere?" she asked him. "How?"

Maxim shrugged. "I will take it back, with interest. What do you think?"

Emmelyn thought about the offer and her mind went to her homeland. At the moment, Wintermere was ruled by Ethos Greenan, one of Mars' cousins. It had been colonized by Draec for almost two years now.

When Emmelyn passed through the area on her way to Atlantea, she saw the people of Wintermere already got used to living under the new government. Slowly but surely they would definitely forget the Rosehills at some point.

When Mars proposed to her and said she would get Wintermere back plus interest, which was the whole kingdom of Draec, Emmelyn felt so touched. He made her think she could even rule with him as the queen of his kingdom.