Best Friends

Maxim laughed heartily when he witnessed that. He was relieved to see Emmelyn could quickly pull herself together. She could even joke with him to lighten the mood.

Ahh... this was why he liked her so much. She was tough as a nail, yet compassionate and kind, and she was also resilient. Emmelyn was truly someone he would like to be on his side, forever, if possible.

"I am guilty, sorry," he said with a chuckle. "Now, since we have got over this... tell me, what do you want me to do? As your friend, I will do my best to help you."

Emmelyn went to sit on the windowsill and squeezed her hands. She was glad Maxim explained that the reason why he was willing to help her was because of their friendship.

Yet, she also knew she had to ask about his feelings for her. They shouldn't pretend that it didn't exist. It would become an elephant in the room that would affect their friendship if she didn't clarify it immediately.