Maxim's Regret

Myrcella touched Emmelyn's shoulder gently and looked her in the eye. She spoke in a gentle tone, seeing how much distraught Emmelyn had become after she broke the crystal ball. So, she didn't wish to make Emmelyn feel worse.

"You should sit and calm down. I will get a maid to clean up the shards."

Emmelyn looked at the shards on the floor and sobbed. She managed to utter another "I am sorry..."

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart. Accident happens," Myrcella said gently. "Don't blame yourself. I understand you must be feeling upset. Please sit down and we can talk later."

Emmelyn finally went back to her chair and buried her face in her hands. Myrcella called her servants and two maids immediately came and cleaned up the room efficiently. Nobody said a word.

After the maids finished cleaning and left the queen's chamber, Myrcella poured wine into a cup and gave it to Emmelyn. "Please drink this, so you can feel better."