Shutting Down

Maxim called Emmelyn several times but there was no answer from inside the chamber. He scratched his head and tried to think where did Emmelyn go. Could she go outside by herself?

He decided to go down to the ground floor and found any servant or Tides to ask if they saw Emmelyn.

"Did you see my friend go out to the garden or the dining room?" He asked Tides as soon as the butler came to see him. "I called her several times but she didn't respond."

Tides shook his head. "No, Your Grace. I believe Lady Emmelyn hasn't left her chamber since last night."

Maxim furrowed his brows in confusion. "Oh... thank you. I thought she went out already."

Maxim wondered what happened to Emmelyn. Did she oversleep? Hmm... she might be. They didn't really get proper sleep for the past month. So, maybe she just badly needed a good rest and her body was making up for what she lost.