Mars And Maxim Are Fighting

Mars scoffed when Maxim landed on the courtyard and stood firmly, looking at him with fire in his eyes. Finally, Mars could see the man he despised, someone whom he considered his nemesis, even though they had never met before.

He always remembered how Emmelyn fondly said Maxim was more handsome than Gewen, and how Maxim was so carefree and full of knowledge, making him sound like the perfect man.

Now that Mars could see Maxim in person, the king of Draec scoffed and thought Emmelyn must have a weird standard for beauty. Mars didn't consider Maxim handsome.

Okay, he thought the Summerian monarch looked good for a man but definitely not better looking than Gewen.

Mars didn't realize he was being biased with his own feelings and the fact that he hated Maxim to the core, he couldn't see anything positive about Maxim who stood before him now.

Mars also had been sick of the man since the first time he heard Emmelyn talk about her friend.