Maxim And Mars

The royal castle in Astland where King Stevan and his family lived, and where he welcomed his important ally from Draec, was protected by thick and tall walls all around it with stations for royal guards to patrol and do surveillance.

On each corner of the walls, there were weapons prepared to shoot dragons. They looked like giant crossbows with arrows as big as long metal spears.

The weapons needed three people to operate them. They were prepared for exactly this situation when Astland was attacked by dragons from Summeria.

However, since there were no signs of dragons for months, the guards in Astland had become complacent. They were caught off guard when three enormous dragons suddenly showed up above the castle and burned everything they could get their fire into.

"Get the dragonslayer!!! Get to it now! NOW!!" The army commanders screamed their lungs out to order the operators to get to the weapons and shoot the dragons down.