Let's Stay In Wintermere Longer

Mars was amused when he heard Emmelyn's explanation about the Langleys. He remembered how Edgar wouldn't inherit his father's title and land because he had two older brothers. However, it actually wasn't a big deal for the man.

Edgar never seemed to care about all those since he was happy with his life and position as a general in the capital.

Besides, as the king, Mars already had some plans to reward his best friend with land, gold, and many other things to ensure Edgar would have a good life.

Edgar didn't know this and Mars only planned to tell him when they had reached the capital. The king really appreciated Edgar's dedication and service throughout the years.

That's why Mars wanted to show his friend how much he was valued, and how much he meant so much to the king.  However, seeing the scene earlier between Edgar and Clara, Mars suddenly thought it would be good for Edgar to find a wife like her.