Finally Find Peace

Emmelyn felt so sad to see the old man. She could hear the deep longing in his words and that made her shed tears uncontrollably. Ahh... Duke Bellevar had suffered so much, she thought. Seeing his devastation broke Emmelyn's heart.

The man just wanted to die.

"Oh, grandpa..." She hugged Duke Bellevar and cried on his shoulder. She didn't have any more living relatives but her Grandpa Elroy. So, once the old man passed away, Emmelyn would definitely be alone, except for her husband and child.

Even though Emmelyn had gotten used to being an orphan, the thoughts that her only living relative wanted death still made her floored. However, she tried to be understanding since she could empathize with Duke Bellevar's suffering.

She refrained herself from saying words to make the duke see that the world was still worth living, because in his case, it was not.