The Always-Hungry Emmelyn

After the judges announced the punishment for Ellena Greystorm, Mars let Kira handle everything as she see fit. He just focused on his wife who started showing terrible symptoms after she passed her first trimester.

Emmelyn vomited most of the food she ate and even Bruinen's potions no longer worked to help her with body aches. She became weak and took a lot of rest in their chamber. Fortunately, her appetite was still good and she ate voraciously each time.

So, even though she would vomit some of the food she took, at least she could always eat more. Harlow started spending a lot of time with the Greenan boys at their home, or they would come to the palace to study and play together. 

They couldn't do much outdoors, because the temperature had gone down really low. The weather outside by the end of autumn had become gloomier by the day and snow was expected to come by next week.