Ellena's Regret

"It's time," Kira said to Ellena when she came to her cell, following some knights that were ordered by the court to take Ellena for her punishment.

"Time?" Ellena's face beamed. Her face and limbs looked bony because she had lost a lot of weight in the past year. All her beauty was gone and if people didn't know who she was, they would not believe that she was a noblewoman. Her voice croaked. She couldn't hide her happiness. "Is it really time?"

Kira scoffed and nodded. "Yeah. Get out!"

"What month is this?" Ellena took her scarf from the floor and wrapped it around her back. She noticed the knights wore extra coats which meant the temperature outside must be really low. "Is it cold outside?"

Her cell was located on the basement floor of a stone building. It had always been cold all year long. So, she didn't know how was the temperature outside, unless she saw the outfit worn by the prison guards who came to deliver food every day for her.