Ellena Is Paraded In The Market

Ellena's body trembled when she felt the cold wind brush her skinny body. Only the thin dress and scarf covered her up. They barely gave protection.

If it was up to Kira, this convicted felon would be paraded naked in the town center. That's how much she hated Ellena. However, when Mars heard about this, the king strictly told her not to follow through with it.

He didn't want such punishment to be made an example and become a tradition for the future. He thought it was barbaric and Mars didn't want his country to move backward in civilization.

"Right. So, you don't agree with my suggested punishment to parade her naked in the public, but you are okay with selling her as a sex slave to the pirates?" Kira scoffed when she heard Mars's order. 

The king shook his head. He had to keep telling himself that this Kira was on their side and she cared a lot about Emmelyn, so Mars had to treat her well.