Harlow Arrives In Myreen

Harlow listened to Marguerite's words and took in all the information she needed.

"Thank you for the information," Harlow smiled at the white witch and she took her leave. 

Marguerite only waved at the young girl and sighed after Harlow disappeared from sight. She remembered when Raphael and she talked about the dowry almost 18 years ago. Dammit. It's been such a long time.

Harlow's appearance today only reminded Marguerite of how old she had become. It was not a pleasant reminder. How could eighteen years went by so fast?

When Emmelyn came here at that time and spoke about Alexia Adler, her 'sister' from Wintermere, Marguerite already felt so old. Emmelyn called Alexia as… grandma. Ugh.

And Marguerite was older than Alexia. 

She was lucky to receive the youth potion from Raphael, so she could stay young like she was today. However, there was a limit to those potions. And soon she would start aging.