Harlow And King Alexander

Harlow had been so nervous about meeting with the King Alexander of Myreen because of the warnings given by the White Witch that she was shocked to see the king in a good mood. It was almost as if the loss of her daughter didn't actually happen.

Or perhaps it did, but there was someone else who was helping fill in the void. 

King Alexander Leoralei was seated on the throne when Harlow and Alexei arrived in the throne room to meet with the king. While the crown princess of her kingdom curtsied and knelt respectfully to the powerful wizard, Alexei was something else.

He strolled forward and actually approached the older man seated on the throne in a relaxed manner. This young man acted so casually around King Alexander.

Was it because they were close? Or did Alexei think he was above the king because of his claim earlier that he was god? If this wasn't the most egomaniac thing that Harlow had ever heard, it was a pretty close second.