The Jade Bracelet

Harlow sat down in a restaurant and ordered herself a drink. She was going to sit down and listen in to the people conversing around her, eavesdrop and perhaps hear something useful.

It was a little awkward to sit alone without Julian on her side or even Icecube from outside the window. It almost felt a little lonely for Harlow but she was going to be strong. 

"I can do this," Harlow muttered to herself. "I've been traveling alone for weeks now and I am fine."

Before she knew it, minutes passed by and the waiter still hadn't delivered her order at all. Harlow was not impatient, but she started to feel a little out of place because everyone was eating and she was the only one without her food or drinks.

On instinct, the princess started to fiddle with her bracelet. It was a beautiful jade bracelet that she had been wearing for years. Suddenly, she batted her eyes at the sight of it.