Ready To Fight

Harlow started to see the inn she was staying in and it made her feel so relieved.  She pumped her legs to move faster. 

"Just a little more!" Harlow panted hard as she eyed the building.

There were passersby who could help the princess, but once they saw the crowd of people chasing after the princess, they decided to stay out of the way of trouble.

"Almost there!" Harlow muttered under her breath.

However, before she knew it, someone sent a fireball and set the entire street into flames. Her eyes widened and she turned left, making her way into an alleyway. 

"Crap." Harlow cursed to herself and looked around her surroundings. 

There were no boxes or even any footholds for her to vault herself up. The walls were too smooth, everything was too high. She was suddenly cornered and ambushed by these people who were chasing after her.