The Punishment

When he looked at Harlow, Raphael couldn't help but think about how they ended up like this. 

He met her for the first time in one of his travels. As the 'surprise baby' born to the King of Cretea and the queen after several thousand years, he was the youngest prince in Cretea, and all his older brothers doted on him.

He was always a baby in their eyes even after he became an adult and asked permission to leave the realm to see what was there outside of their utopia. He went to the elven realm, the demons realm, and finally to the humans' realm.

Everyone he knew told him that the humans realm was the most boring. However, his experience proved otherwise. Humans were very interesting in his eyes.

They were social creatures who loved helping each other out. Without magic, they had to work harder to conquer their environment and make a living, but they didn't complain.