Seeing Through Her Lies

Raphael looked at Rowena firmly. He refused to budge even though she clearly said she didn't want to be with him with his current appearance.

"You are only saying that to push me away, Rowena," Raphael said stubbornly. "I know how you think, wifey. You're not the type to judge a person by their appearance. You can't fool me."

"Ha!" Rowena laughed as her eyes stung but she blinked back her tears.

Why couldn't Raphael just leave her so he didn't have to suffer? Why must he act so stubborn?

Rowena still tried to argue. "Have you seen yourself in the mirror, Raphael? Have you taken a good look at yourself? How dare you asking me to accept you with the way you look now! I would rather die than—"

"Rowena, stop lying!" Raphael's voice was gentle but his words were uttered in a domineering way.