The Happy Princess

Rowena was really happy when the flower crown touched her head. She suddenly felt like a real princess.

She already had a nice tiara in her room, given to her by King Draco as a gift on her fourteenth birthday, but she didn't feel special when she was wearing the diamond-studded tiara. Somehow, she actually felt more special after she had this flower crown on.

On that day, Rowena realized the value of things was not determined by how much price people put into them, but by how happy those things made them feel.

"Th-thank you..." she said to Lady Liz with a stammer. Lady Liz smiled back, faintly. She was right. Rowena truly wanted the crown for herself.

The governess didn't know why she suddenly changed her mind. Maybe, she wanted to suck up to the princess so Rowena would choose her to be one of her ladies-in-waiting after she became the queen?

No. It was not that.