[Bonus chapter] Candied Apple

They walked together toward the carriage and entered one by one. Jarvis, one of the knights who guarded the princess, closed the door and told the coachman to continue their journey.

"What's the name of the village, Lady Liz?" Rowena asked after the carriage was moving again. She opened the window and looked outside, hoping to see the last glimpse of the lake and meadow. 

"It's Almere, Your Highness," Lady Liz explained. "It's actually a small town."

"Almere," Rowena nodded her head. Then she looked at Lucent on her lap. "Next stop: Almere. Are you excited?"

Lucent screeched and pecked its beak on her arm. It was its way of telling Rowena that it was indeed feeling excited, just like her.

"Good," Rowena nodded happily. She looked at her phoenix seriously. "When we are there, you can explore from the air. Don't let people see you. They have never seen a phoenix before. They might try to capture you and you will be in danger."