Harrassed By The Mayor's Son (2)

When Bran saw a man was giving his girlfriend a bouquet of flowers, he snatched the flowers from the man and glared at him when he tried to protest.

"Hey! That's mine!" said the man angrily. He wanted to take back what was his, but Bran hid the flowers behind his back.

"Hey! Don't you know who I am? How dare you talk back to me!" The mayor's son narrowed his eyes and showed his family's ring. It was enough to make the couple cower.

"That's the mayor's son..." the woman whispered to her boyfriend. "Please don't look for trouble. You can get me flowers another time."

The man clenched his jaws. He was angry at the mayor's son but realized he was just a peasant who didn't have any power to fight a nobleman. He could only turn to his girlfriend and apologized with his eyes. The girl smiled reassuringly and shook her head.