Jarvis To The Rescue (1)

Bran was tossed to the ground like the trash he was.

The man who came to Rowena's and Lady Liz's rescue was Jarvis, one of the royal knights who had been watching the situation from a distance. The man wore simple clothes and he blended with the crowd to not attract any attention.

He was watching the princess from afar and immediately strode toward her as a group of young men approached Rowena and Lady Liz. He came just in time before Bran managed to assault the princess and her governess.

Some of the mayor's son's friends helped Bran get up. He scoffed angrily and patted his pants and robe to wipe the dust and the rest of the grass from his body.

"How dare you...!" Bran gritted his teeth. "Don't you know who I am??? I will make you regret messing up with me!"

He narrowed his eyes threateningly at Jarvis. Even though the knight was much bigger and at least one head taller than him, Bran was not afraid.