The Prison In The Dungeon

Hot torches were placed across the staircase's wall as she went down and avoided the flickering flames. The dungeons somehow reminded Rowena of the stifling feeling she had when she used to stay in the tower all by herself. 

It was only much worse and she couldn't believe that prisoners were trapped here without any sunlight at all. This made her feel even more worried about Julian if he had been stuck here like some kind of animal.

Even Lucent didn't like it when he was in the cage, how much more Julian?

As she went down and carried the tray of food, Rowena remembered the look of betrayal across the young man's face and swallowed a lurch in her throat. She was going to save him… but was he going to be happy to see her?

Would he blame her for everything?

"What are you doing here?" an unfriendly voice spoke.