Don't You Want To Escape This Hell?

A smarter Rowena wouldn't have spoken up, kept her mouth shut, and adhered to the plan. She wouldn't have incurred the wrath of the guard who was physically stronger than her and could also figure out who she was.

However, she also couldn't just turn a blind eye away from the man's brutal action.

So despite the pain she felt as the guard pulled painfully at her hair, Rowena didn't budge or react more than a small muffle and wince of pain. Her eyes darted around wildly across the room before she focused on the man in front of her and came to a solution.

Rowena kicked the man right across his groin and he soon fell down on the floor. He let go of her as he felt the unbearable pain and his eyes turned bloodshot. Rowena kicked him again. The second guard crumpled down while the first guard watched behind them.

"I think that's enough." The first guard didn't sound happy. "I don't think I can let you walk this off anymore. Who are you?"