Like A Blooming Flower

Rowena knew Raphael was right. When she was still living in Ashland, she didn't know better and thought maybe all parents were harsh on their children.

And then, she thought maybe her father loved her in his own way. Or, maybe he was just too bitter after Rowena's mother died during childbirth that he couldn't love his daughter properly.

Maybe, seeing Rowena would always remind him of his dead wife? A few people who saw the late queen said that Rowena was a dead ringer for her mother.

Or worse.. maybe King Draco Roseland hated Rowena because he blamed her for his wife's death.

Now, she knew better.

Draco Roseland did not love her and whatever the reason was... she should stop hoping that he would change.

Rowena cleared her throat. "Well, my tutors, Lady Liz and Lady Mary used to tell me that the reason why he was so hard on me and expected so much out of me was that I could do a lot more,"