People Call Me The Ice Prince

Rowena started to look around and kept a tight grip on her potion.

Raphael didn't have any idea who this person was or a single clue as to who they were, but he thought the person that Rowena was trying to save must have been a close friend of hers. 

He knew she would do anything for the people she cared deeply about. He remembered she risked getting hurt when she tried to protect Lucent from her father's sword. That's just who she was.

Raphael paid for the carriage and looked about their immediate surroundings.

What Rowena had in hand was a very valuable potion—and he was glad that King Urther provided it, but this was a precious potion that might attract unwanted people who wished to grab ahold of it.

Before any of that ill sort could happen, Raphael stepped right behind Rowena and gave her a smile.

"We should go this way," he offered.