Taking Care Of Rowena (1)

Raphael didn't have the heart to tell her when she was close to the tears, but that was the truth. Julian was gone—

Rowena let out a sorrowful and pitiful wail. The usually headstrong appearance of Rowena who was so confident, brave, and ready to do anything, just broke down and collapsed.

Instead, a rush of tears and an uncontrollable shaking seized Rowena's body as huge droplets fell down over her cheeks.

"Julian. Julian! I'm so sorry—" Rowena bent over the ground around the vegetable patch and continued to cry. 

Raphael's heart hurt to see her and he immediately ventured forward to approach her. "Rowena..."

She continued to be a blubbering mess, not even caring that Raphael—a complete stranger was seeing her fragile and weak side.

"Please." Raphael knelt down in front of her and tried to procure a handkerchief to help wipe her tears—but all of a sudden, Rowena fell over into his arms as she wept.